Exam Hacks: 18 Study Tips For Higher Exam Scores

Exam Hacks: 18 Study Tips For Higher Exam Scores

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It’s almost the end of the year, students . You are left with a month or less than that before your Final Term End Exams. If you are a Class 10th Student or even a 8th class student you will be facing a lot of pressure.

Are you nervous? Don’t worry, Cultivated Minds has a special set of tips and tricks for you who will be appearing in exams in the next few months. These tips, when combined with a serious determination to study, will increase your confidence in solving problems, and help you get higher grades. 

Also Read: Learn Faster with the Feynman Technique

30-Days to Exam

If you have one month left , do following activities to prepare your mind for the upcoming exam.

Music Is Instrumental

Studying while listening to music is an old-school trick, but it’s still effective. But, so that your study time doesn’t turn into a karaoke session , make sure the music you listen to isn’t songs that you can sing!

Try listening to lofi coding music, videogame soundtracks or music that is the score for the film, These types of music are believed to help you focus more because they were designed as companion music.

Pomodoro Technique

Have you tried the Pomodoro technique? This technique divides study time into intervals called “work windows” of 25 minutes. After 25 minutes, this “work window” ends, followed by intervals of rest.

Read more about the pomodoro technique here

Distraction Apps

Reduce consumption of social media! You can use several restriction apps that help to control the frequency with which you open social media, such as: SelfControl, Cold Turkey, or Check PlayStore for Self Focus Apps.

The Seinfield X Technique

Use the Seinfield X technique to form study habits. Comedian Jerry Steinfield, the inventor of this technique, used to ‘force’ himself to write 1 joke every day with 2 simple tools: a calendar and a red marker.

Every day, after he finished the ‘task’ he crossed the date with a red marker. Well, the motivation to continue the red cross chain is what helps us to form a study habit. Don’t break the chain.

Light Exercise

Learning while exercising? It may sound strange, but research has proven that it is effective for improving memory and understanding material! What needs to be considered here is the intensity of the chosen sport, so light exercise is the most appropriate choice. You can try running on the treadmill or ‘gowes’ on a stationary bike while reading a book, guys!

Change Of Environment

Change your learning atmosphere, let’s go! In a study on cognitive psychology conducted by Robert Bjork, it was found that students who learned new words in two different places were able to remember 20% more words than those who only did them in one room.

However, there is something you should pay attention to at this point. Avoid studying on a mattress or sofa that is too soft, because these two places have the potential to make you sleepy and in the end you don’t even study.

Also Read: Learn Faster with the Feynman Technique

1 Day to Exam

Tomorrow’s exam? Do not panic! You can apply these tips to calm yourself so you don’t get nervous later on the D day (I mean E – DayExam Day).

It’s MEME Time

Watching funny videos is proven to improve your ability to focus. So, if you’re tired of studying, it’s time to put out a collection of funny videos compilation on YouTube.

Eat Protein

Consumption of protein! Our brains need amino acids to work to transfer information, and one way to get an adequate intake of amino acids is to consume protein. Eggs, bacon, oatmeal , and cheese, you can include in your diet to improve brain performance before exams.

Make a checklist

Make a checklist of what items you should bring on the day of the exam. It’s not really funny, right, when you come to the exam centre tomorrow, you realise you forgot to bring a pencil or Admit card? So make sure that you pick everything.

Don’t Bother Cramming

Avoid pulling an All-nighter the day before exam, especially if the exams you will face are heavy exams. If you didn’t read it the whole year, It’s high possibility that you won’t understand the topic now. Even if you do the prise of sleep you are paying might effect you in ways you didn’t even realise. The night before exam is the time for your brain to rest so that the material you have studied long ago can be more pervasive and not evaporate everywhere because of the addition of new material intake.

If you are still not sure, you can read a little in the morning before the test. But that’s it . Don’t force your brain to work hard in such a tight time.

Sleep On It

Make sure you get enough sleep as this can improve your ability to focus and reduce stress. Besides that, getting enough sleep can also maintain mood stability, improve memory and cognitive function of the brain, so don’t stay up late, especially if it’s meaningless.


* Adequate sleep is important, but remember you still have to get up early so you won’t be late for the exam. Especially if you have a hard time getting up early, make sure you set a layered alarm on your phone so you can wake up on time (Ask your Mom – Tried and tested method, Natural Alarm Clock).

Also Read: Learn Faster with the Feynman Technique

The Day of Exam

It’s here! The test that you have been preparing for a long time has finally come. These are the things you need to do to make it easier to work on the questions:

Do a Brain Dump

Do a Brain Dump . Before entering the exam room, write down all the material that you have memorised on a piece of paper. This will keep the information you have stored fresh and will not make your brain ‘crowded’.

But, don’t bring the paper into the room, okay? Later, you might be caught by the supervisor because they are thought to be carrying cheats.

Chew Gum

Eating chewing gum is believed to make you more focused. If possible, you can really chew gum while working on your exam questions.

Predict The Future

If your exam questions are multiple choice, try to predict the answer before looking at the available options . Actually, this doesn’t reduce the possibility that your answer is wrong, but if it turns out that the correct answer to your prediction is in option , it’s good that you can save processing time even if it’s only for a minute or two.

Sit Straight

Sitting position turns out to have an effect on your psychological condition during the exam. According to a study from Harvard University, an upright sitting position during exams can help you to be more confident in doing questions.

Get a Sugar Rush

* Do you feel that when you think hard, you must be hungry? Well, this happens because after being taken to think hard to solve difficult problems, your brain starts to run out of glucose “fuel”. So, on the day of the exam, you can really bring supplies in the form of candy that you can consume when the gap between exams takes place.

Breathe Deeply

* Last but not least, don’t forget to take a deep breath . If your child is easily nervous, try to inhale for 3-5 seconds, and exhale for 8-12 seconds. This technique helps you to calm your tense nerves and makes you more relaxed before entering the room.

Also Read: Learn Faster with the Feynman Technique

So these were 18 Study Tips For Higher Exam Scores. We at Cultivated Minds wish you all the best for your upcoming exams.

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